McClain's Law
Cast of Characters

Lt. John "Johnny" McClain -
early 40s. Tall, dark hair, hazel eyes. Well built, physically imposing. Works out and runs to stay in shape, and to keep the booze from turning him 'soft'.

Married for 20 years to Lana. They met in college, Three kids. John, Jr. - 18. Rachel - 15. Henry - 10. Loves his wife and kids, everything he does is for them. Marriage is strained at times, though, when the stress of his job bleeds over.

Plainclothes detective in a mid sized police force. 20 years on the job. Following a family tradition. As dedicated to his work as he is his family, which forces him to make hard choices sometimes. While he keeps his temper in check at home, it tries to get the better of him on the job when confronting a perp, esp. one who's hurt a child or a woman. Is on the thin edge with the department as a result of this.

Tends to drink more than he should at times, putting further strain on his marriage - and his job.

Lana McClain-
Child psycologist, attractive. Blonde, blue eyed. Fell in love with Johnny the first time she saw him.

John McClain, Jr -
Called "JJ" by his family and friends.18, Tall like his father, with dark hair and dark eyes. Played baseball in high school and is supposed to start college on a scholarship the next fall. Had a rough time being 'that cop's' son in school, so kind of resents his dad - but on the other hand, his dad was at almost every game he played.

Rachel McClain -
15, brown hair, pretty. Brown eyes. Adores her father, but hates that he tends to be so over protective and threatening toward any boy who shows an interest in her.

Henry McClain -
10, brown hair, hazel eyes. Bright for his age, wears glasses. Likes to play video games, is a computer genious and isn't very athletic. Very quiet.

Georgia McClain -
60ish, gray hair with a few dark ones still showing. Was a nurse who met her husband when he brought someone to the hospital. Went back to nursing to help raise her children after her husband's death on the job. Down to earth. Johnny is her older son. Has another one, James. Loves her sons, and worries about them. Adores her grandchildren.

Charlotte Graham -
Early 30s, dark hair, a lawyer for the DA's office. Is secretly in love with Johnny, but knows that as long as he's chasing his late wife's killer, there's no room in his life for another woman. Hires Johnny as a PI when she needs some investigation done for cases that she doesn't think the police will treat as a priority.

Charlie Graham -
50s, Johnny's AA sponsor and Charlotte's father. Was a cop himself back in the day, before his drinking got too bad and he was fired because of it. He was one of Johnny's mentors when he joined the department, before his drinking got too bad. He's been sober for 10 years, and knows some of what Johnny is going through. Occasionally helps Johnny out when he needs back up. Knows that Charlotte's in love with the younger man, and worries about their future.

Capt. Susan Carrington -
Late 40s, graying hair, female, wife and mother. Put up with a lot from Johnny because he knows how good Johnny is. Covered for him a couple of times, but couldn’t overlook the first pieces of evidence when Lana was killed, and had to request his badge and gun when it looked like Johnny might have killed Lana while drunk. Offered them back when Johnny was cleared, but understood Johnny's decision to refuse the offer.

Lt. Andy Devlin -
Early 40s, African-American. Divorced, no kids. Johnny's partner, they went through the police academy together. God parent to all three of Johnny and Lana's children. Andy sends clients Johnny's way when he goes into the private sector.

Mrs. Hamilton -
60s, widow, bitter after the death of her husband, who owned a convenience store, at the hands of a robber because the police were late in arriving in answer to an alarm. Neighbor of the McClain family. Has little use for Johnny.

Carl Markham -
Mid-40s, Lana's older brother, a high power attorney in San Fran. Divorced, no children, devoted to his career, his sister and her children. Executor of Lana's will.

Martha Markham-Colson -
Mid-60s. Lana and Carl's aunt who raised them after their parents' deaths when Carl was a teenager. Was the only sister of their father, lives with Carl.

Lt. George Collins and Det. Sgt. Maria Morales

Detectives who are assigned to Lana's murder case

Dr. Ian Lacy -Police psychiatrist

James "Jimmy" McClain -
Johnny's brother, three years younger than Johnny. Had problems after their father was shot and killed, ended up in trouble, but it was overlooked because of who his father was. Ended up on the streets, traveling here and there, looking for a fix. The only people who put up with him were his mother, who never admitted that he really had a bad problem, and Lana, who thought she could possibly help the young man to clean up his act and get straight.

Gerald Coburn (wife: Margie) Children: Danny, Katie His mother: Anne Coburn
Convicted of murdering his wife in a case similar to Johnny's. Carl is handling his appeal

Tony Delatorre and Wade Cooper
Police detectives who handled the Coburn case

Dr. Robert Ellingham
psycologist who treated William Braden at Smithson Hospital for Juvenile Offenders. Found a kindred spirit in the young sociopath.

William Arthur Braden
Lana's first case with the DA's office. Was 10 years old when he was convicted of killing another boy by torturing him. The court declared him to be insane, and placed him in Smithson until he was 18, when the court was supposed to look at the case again.
